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Church is over!
“New” Zion
Book Review
The book is one of six books authored by Dr. Atef Meshreky between 2014-16. Most of those books deliver a doctrine for the current time/generation. The last of those books “The Bride & The End Times” presents a more complete doctrine rather than parts of it or ideas in development. The doctrine has no new components, rather a combination of the typically re-emerging movements within various religions and sects over the known human history. Dr. Meshreky presents it in a few flavors based on the audience background. His justifications include his experiences as a self-consecrated young man in an oriental orthodox church in the late 20th century.
The book seems to be a verbatim to Dr. Atef Meshreky’s lectures in Kirjath Jearim in Israel in August 2015 [P10, P14]. That conference “End Times and the Bride” was held in conjunction with other speakers: Gabriel Alonso-Martinez, and brothers Reuven and Benjamin Berger. The Bergers are leaders of "Kehilat ha’she al Har Zion" ["Congregation of the Lamb on Mount Zion"] in Israel, members of TJCII, and the Messianic movement who are "Jews who continue to be Jews who believe in Jesus" [Benjamin Berger, Session 8].
The book is sold through Amazon. The lectures of the book are also media recorded and accessible at: .
Book Summary
As the book’s title: The Bride is the Church [P16]. The End Times is this “stage”, the Era of the End Times [P93].
The apparent purpose is to recruit for the discipleship; as well as strengthen the messianic partners' doctrine through 'early Christianity' claims. With a tome similar to the author’s article [] that claims anointing of new prophets, intercessors, and men of God who have special features [Ch7] appointed by the Holy Spirit. For such, the author is taking a simplistic scientific approach to provide and justify a structured doctrine.
The justifications used for the modern doctrine are:
- The Bride (the Church): The claim that the established/traditional Church has fallen and needs restoration by new “units”.
- The End Times: The claim that the Divine Economy (Οικονομία) for this “final stage” is for the restoration of the Church [P93].
Book Structure
The book structured traditionally as the 3 phases: The first few chapters are stage setting detailing the factors and objects to consider. Then it smoothly transitions to assessing the current states and establishing justifications and arguments. Finally thereafter delivers what must be done and what must happen based on the previous analysis if digested.
Throughout the book, the author attempts to establish:
Credibility: through repetitive and sometimes heavy use of Bible verses and situations.
Justification: through critical evaluations of the current state of the Church, Israel, and humanity; and comparing to imaginary state of the first four centuries AD. Also extrapolating trajectory projecting Israel’s journey in the Old Testament.
Critical Issues
1. The End times
“The end is near” has been used throughout human history gazillion times. The concept sells typically for a small percentage of market typically for less than 30 years. But that’s usually more than sufficient for the owner.
The concept is essential for this case as well as many other, as to counter the question of “why now is different?” and “why don’t we continue on our parents’ path?”.
But this has several issues:
- In Christianity the end is near is preached since John the Baptist and emphasized by Jesus. However Lord Jesus made it very clear when the Pharisees asked him, His reply was "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21
- Christians are taught that the timing of the end is unknown to humans. The evangelists Sts. Matthew, Mark and Luke have all stressed Lord Jesus teaching to be watchful because nobody knows the day or the hour, Matt 24: 36, 42-44, Mark 13:32-35, & Luke 12:40.
- The New Testament points out the appearance of false prophets, apostles, and anti-Christ as signs of the end times. So a claimer of knowing that we’re at the end stage, and this requires new appointed prophets, apostles, and “men who have special features” would alarm knowledgeable Christians to the risk of falsehoods. Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit have made it so clear. In John 10 the Good Shepherd knows His own and His own follow Him because they recognize His voice; His own run away from the stranger because they do not know the stranger's voice. In Acts 20:30 St. Paul says it plainly "Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.".
- The book of Revelation is the prophecy for the times and the end times. And the Bible warns us against additions, subtractions, and alternate teachings. "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18-19
- The author cites famines and wars as signs of end times. There are no new signs of what mentioned in the book. The wars and famines have been on and off on different scales at different parts of the world all over history. Actually humanity has been on a positive trajectory both for peace and prosperity consistently for the past 68 years.
2. The state of the Bride
- Judging and condemning the Church as fallen and unfit immediately reveals the false, evil and very serious teachings of Mr. Meshreky. Lord Jesus and His apostles teaching is "Judge not, that you be not judged." Matt 7:1, "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37, James 4:11, & Rom 14:4. The heavenly state of the Church is Lord Jesus promise to the Church, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33; and also His very clear word, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen." Matt 28:20. Martyrs offer their lives in love of Lord Jesus up to this day; Luke 21:12, Mark 13:9 & Matt 10:17. This is the true bride who loves her groom and redeemer.
- The claim that the Church has fallen and became unsuitable is untrue. It compares the current state of the Church with its “heavenly” state of the first few centuries. But as we are taught and see in the Bible, the Church has never been in that utopia heavenly state. The Church had traitors, heretics, benefactors, and liars since the era of the apostles. There’s no new sin either. Every claimed tolerance today has been legal and/or normalized by different societies at different eras of history, including Roman and Greek at the era of the apostles. Satan did not take a break for the first few centuries!
- The book of Revelation states the state of the Churches in the New Testament. It does not provide a rosy picture, nor prophecies such. There’s never been a Bible prophecy that the Church will transform from suitable to unsuitable for the Bridegroom and be replaced by a new “Church” or units appointed form scratch like Israel in the Old Testament! Actually from the Lord’s perspective, all have fallen!
Chapter Analysis
Chapter 1 “Who is the Bride?”
- Goal is to establish that the concept of the Bride exists in the Old Testament, using references to marital relationship between God and Israel. This in addition to the mentions of Israel as one of the “two sectors of the Church” and other pointers in introduction [P10] are essential for a coming doctrine construct: To justify renewal/replacement of the Church by new “units”, prophets, and small groups by analogous to Old Testament history.
- Another goal, typical of the author in the beginnings of his lectures, is to establish credibility, through heavy, and sometimes successive use of Bible scripture.
Chapter 2 “Important Truths”
Emphasizes Israel as the people of God, and the gentiles as grafts in it. The benefits to the doctrine are:
- The conference is in Israel, and co-speaking with leaders of “The Congregation of the Lamb on Mt. Zion”. So it rhymes with the teachings of the TJCII and appeals to the audience.
- Serves as a build up to the conclusion of the end stage of the end times based on the fact of re-established State of Israel since 1948.
Chapter 3 “Historical Sequence”
First subsection lists references from the Book of Acts referring to the apostles meeting the temple, and some apostles and some first Jew converts maintaining Jewish customs. To such audience it may provide the impression that Apostolic age Christians maintained Jewish customs, and were in harmony and worship with the Jews.
Then the second subsection establishes that during the first four centuries, at least in some areas, “The early Christians never thought of the possibility of separating Christianity from Judaism.”, and potentially attending the synagogues every Sabbath, and “keeping the Sabbath”.
The author then claims that in the 5th century, due to political situation, the Church councils “started to be separated from the Jewish synagogues”. Much later, the Reformation movement in the 16th century compounded the separation.
Chapter 4 “Final Comments”
This is a conclusion of the last two chapters, concluding that: 1) The growth of the early Church was connected to her Jewish roots. 2) The Bible authors were all Jews. 3) exemplifies the Jews’ respect for the scriptures, that respect was lost by time in the church.
Chapter 5 “Introduction: the Biblical Meaning of the Word ‘Economy’”
About the Οικονομία “divine economy for us now”. Setting the stage for the reader to accept that God has a different Οικονομία for every stage even in the AD. And questioning what is God’s Οικονομία then for this stage of end time??
Here the author is obviously neglecting several factors:
- The idea that God has different Οικονομία (economies) in the New Testament is novel. Even the Greek Orthodox Church there’s no notion God has been changing “His” economy at different stages, whether in Old or New Testament.
- The Οικονομία is dispensed by the Church, as in the example given by the author of the 1st Council in Jerusalem. Here, for obvious reasons, the Stavrofor is ignoring the fact that he is in no position to determine nor change the Church’s dispensation of the economy!
- “The economy of this stage, the era of the end times” is building one deviation over another! How the author knows that we are in “the era of the end times”? Haven’t we been in “the era of the end times” for more than 2000 years? So no change in Οικονομία? And the Bible told and warned us against speculating about when is the 2nd coming.
Chapter 6 “Stages of the Divine Economy”
Building on the previous chapter idea, this chapter is titled “Stages of the Divine Economy”! Now the author has started the administration of the justifications of the doctrine. So the chapter is 41 pages… He goes at length from the start of the creation to show that God had different economies for different times.
Moving through to the modern times, tying a number of aspects together:
- The restoration of Jerusalem and Jews return according to the Belfour 1917 declaration and the 1967 war as an important sign. [P67-68].
- So, based on “The state of the Church today: the current economy of salvation”. Mixing it with some “signs of the end times” lead to the conclusion that “The Church has become estranged from her original image”, “has lost her original place”, and “has lost her authority and message”. [P68-78].
- Israel: Survived several attempts of annihilation from the Old Testament to the holocaust “where six million Jew were annihilated”. “However, there were times of God’s visitations. Examples of these are: ° They started to return to Israel as a hometown in 1917. ° They restored Jerusalem in the Six-Day War in 1967. ° The Messianic movement started: Many of the Jews found the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, as their own Saviour.” [P80]. However, still half the Jew live outside Israel, and “Israel is still in a state of being estranged from God”, waiting for restoration.
- “· Moving towards the economy of our days: a new stage in the divine economy” [P81]. Then the author goes from questioning “what would God do?” to a journey through God’s dealings with the people of Israel then the Church, to deduce that there are small groups of people that “God thus entrusts them with His will at the times of the very fine and delicate divine economy; especially the times of moving from one stage to another in the chain of the divine economy (Isaiah 37:31, 32).”
- Then moves on to “the final stage of the divine economy” questioning “what will happen, to whom will God transfer the responsibility of the vineyard? To whom the vineyard will be given? To whom will God transfer the economy?” [P85] to state that “The Holy Spirit is now gathering the faithful of God’s people, the sufferers and those considered by some as nothing; yet, in God’s eyes they are the good fig and the faithful remnant”. [P86-87]
- Finally speaking about “· The features of the Bride” and referring to the mystical experiences of the “worshippers of the apostolic age” [P88], he deduces the features: “· They did not defile themselves with women”, “· They follow the lamb wherever He goes” as absolute obedience, and “· Redeemed…first fruit to God…without fault”.
Chapter 7 “The Economy of this Stage, the Era of the End times”
Here’s where the justifications hit home. “The current economy is the economy of the restoration of the Church.” “There are 5 important points in this economy: 1. Appointing prophets who have a special feature 2. Appointing intercessors who have a special feature 3. Appointing men of God who have special feature 4. Restoring the original image of the Church 5. Transferring the focus/centre of the divine work” [P93-94]
Chapter 8 “Restoring the Lost Spiritual Inheritance”
Split into 7 subsections. Seems to list seven “practices” or characteristics for “Restoring the Lost Spiritual Inheritance”. Within those seven points are some of the doctrine and fellowship elements and justifications:
- “The Word of God”: Emphasizing “spiritual commitment” as a fundamental thing in the early Church with: “° Commitment ° Discipleship ° Spiritual disciplines” [P122]. The emphasizes the importance of handing down. With the claim that “in the early Church, ‘spiritual fatherhood’was considered a gift from God. No one was allowed to offer spiritual guidance unless he was granted the gift so the souls would not be misled.” [P123]
- “Worship and its various forms”: After emphasizing the Sabbath as an early Church “was always a day set apart for the Lord.” And “as a foundation for worship and sanctification!” [P126-127], he goes on to list 3 forms of worship: daily, weekly, and seasonal. The weekly include “° Observing the Sabbath”, and receiving a special “prophetic message”.
- “Seasons of salvation”: The seasons as cycles, each having fasting then feast. With a subsection about “The Mystical Life”.
- “The Covenant with God”: Emphasizing that a covenant has commitment, loyalty, and conditions.
- “Holiness”: “means being set apart for the Lord and for His word”.
- “The divine presence”: Levels of God’s presence. To keep his presence, we should “Avoid idolatry”; “Establishing holiness in our camp”; “Continual worship”.
- “The times of restoration of all things”: discusses “the following aspects:”
- “The connection and unity between the Gentiles and the Jews” arguing that “The Church neglected the Jewishness of Jesus in the flesh and lost hre connection with the Jews” [P145-146]. So “Now, the Lord is moving the hearts of people in every place towards restoring this connection so that the Church may restore her true image as ‘One New Man’ (Ephesians 2:15); and hence be prepared as a Bride who awaits her Bridegroom.” [P146]
- “Facing the battles of the enemy” going over various areas of spiritual battles. Then concludes that when the “anointing and gifts” of Apostolic, Priesthood, Prophetic roles “unite together, this leads to a great victory.” [P148]
- “The spiritual exodus and its various forms” explains that the “spiritual exodus” can happen by “coming out of the world”; “coming out of the walls of denominational divisions”; “coming out of the isolation and separation from Israel” [P150-151]
- “Revivals and how they happened in the early Church in the early centuries” states the “fact” that the Church was “in a continuous state of true revival” [P151]. And goes on some praising of the Church highness then.
Chapter 9 “Practical Highlights”
Discussing several aspects:
- “Bridal Love” After describing the perfectness of the Bride, the author asks to “Let us cry out asking to be granted new pouring of the Spirit of God.” [P155-156] “The new pouring will:” “° Ignite the burning coal of love and faith”; “° Deepen and increase out chastity”; “° Awaken our deep consecration and being totally set apart to the Lord.”; “° Release the visions of the Kingdom of God that are related to the ministry of the End Times.” “As a result, ‘new callings’and ‘new anointing’ will be released and we will be able to know them and receive them.” [P156] Next goes on with references and contemplations around bridal love, characteristics, and unity with the bridegroom.
- “The Heavenly Place” Asserts that a believer has both “a physical place on earth and a spiritual place in the heavenly places.” And that “Fellowship with God has two forms: sometimes God comes to our world and sometimes He lifts us up to His world.” [P165] Then under “Acquiring virtues or discovering weaknesses?” comes to end with “We then start to understand the mystery of the heavenly place and move in it from one sphere to another. As we go upwards, higher in these heavenly spheres, we enter into deeper fellowship with God (the manifestation of the Trinity); we receive revelations and mysteries in the word of God and the spiritual authority increases.” [P168]
- “The Spiritual Altar” drawing from the Old Testament, the author claims “According to scholars, the tabernacle, the temple after entering the land, refers to Christ and also to the believer. Therefore, we need to perceive the mystery of our lives as temples of the Lord that have worship altars and that we should offer spiritual sacrifices” [P169] The section goes on to emphasize the value of the “prayer altar” in the family’s house, and its impact on both the family spiritual warfare and parent-children relationship.
- “Walking according to the Gospel” Walking “in Love”, “in Holiness”, “in the Light”, “circumspectly” are distinguishing features of the “people of God” [P172]. Then goes on with a subsection of “Biblical pictures of consecrated lives to the Lord” with two examples: “The widow who gave the two mites” and “Mary who broke the alabaster jar” as reference to putting away “the foreign gods” and the “hidden idols” that entered live because of the “spirit of the world” [P175].
- “The Testimony and the Message” As “ambassadors of the heavenly Kingdom” “sent from our heavenly place to our earthly place” “to minister the message of the Kingdom of God to our generation”, “requires us to be vigilant and watchful against sin and the evils of the world”… “in order to receive the anointing of ministry and the divine commission (1 Timothy 1:11, 12)”… “Hence we receive the spiritual authority which is necessary to complete our message and mission.” [P178]
- “The Challenges and Sufferings” “what is important is how do we understand God’s economy for us in the midst of sufferings and how do we face sufferings?” “God allows sufferings…” and “suffering bears fruit within us” [P179-180]. “through the hope of eternal life that we can be steadfast in sufferings and overcome them” [P182]
- “Acquiring the Prophetic Spirit” “Our world is full of confusion; we can even say that ‘falsehood’ has unfortunately become the currency of the generation. Therefore, we so much need to acquire the Prophetic Spirit that acts like a knife which separates the precious form the vile (Jeremiah 15:19)”. “The Prophetic Spirit grants us spiritual insights and fine discernment; hence, we learn how to prophetically read the events around us; understand God’s mind regarding them; and know how to act towards them” [P185].
Chapter 10 “Some Ideas about the Scene of the Second Coming of Christ”
From Zachariah 14:5 “Thus the Lord my God will come, and all the saints with you” and Mat 25:6-7 ‘And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.’ The author answers a question “Who are these saints? They are surely the Bride who has been prepared for Him and who has waited for Him.” Then goes on to explain the ‘rapture’ based on Thessalonians 4:17. [P190-191]
Then emphasizing with references that the bride would be souls from “all the nations, the Gentiles, and from Israel, those returning to the Messiah.” [P192]
“What about the rest, those who are not the Bride?” “The departed souls who are not the Bride,” “cannot rise until the end of the period of the Lord’s reign.” [P197] The rest of the souls who will be alive at the time of the coming of the King will be left for a stage of sanctification and getting ready for what is to come. They have a chance to respond to the gospel preached to them.” [P197-198] “Regardless of whether the ‘thousand years’ is actually a calculated time”… “it is a term which refers to a sufficient time full of blessings and richness and completion of God’s redemptive purposes to their fullness.” [P198]
“Final Comments” “We still need to be prepared and perfected”… on foundations: “· Established faith”; “· Boldness of faith”; “· Bridal love”; “· Bridal ornament”; “· Bridal responsibility” “These bridal souls have learned to live the mystical and liturgical life”; “· Acquiring spiritual discernment”. [P200-202]
“First: Zion in the Scriptures” “· The Lord dwells in Mount Zion”; “· Zion is” “a place for the people to learn about God and His ways”, “a place of healing and forgiveness”, “a place of great joy”, “a place for releasing God’s blessings and His authority to the earth”; “Zion experiences the abundance of God’s provision”; “Zion has a special favour in God’s eyes she is inscribed on the palms of His hands and He watches her walls”; “Zion has great powers and might in wars”; “Zion will awake and put on her ornaments; nothing unclean shall enter her and the cloud of God’s glory will cover her”; “Zion wil be filled with the glory of God’s presence to shine to others, to the nations and the kings”; “Zion in her royal image: the Lord is in her midst and she is the subject of His joy” [P204-209]
“Second: The significance of these features of Zion” “Zion is the place where the Lord meets those who have been prepared for ‘special encounters’ with the Lord. They are the bridal souls whom the Holy Spirit gathers together in ‘Kingdom units’ so that their preparation may be completed through these encounters.” “The souls who are driven by bridal love need to get together in these units in order to encourage one another and receive the promises related to Zion: promises of protection, blessing, God’s revelations, and so on.” “The time will come when the Holy spirit gathers these ‘Kingdom units’, the spiritual Zion, not necessarily physically but spiritually. Through them, He will fulfill God’s final purpose: the final harvest and preparing the scene on earth for the return of Christ, the King.” [P210-211]
“FINAL APPEAL” “Therefore, I entreat you all not only to read the talks; but, let them be a spiritual drink’ that fills you.” [P212]
Contradictions to the Bible & the Church
1. Asserting knowledge that we are in the “final stage” and “the era of the end times” conflicts with the New Testament warnings against such speculation, and against yielding to such teachings and teachers. This is an age old idea that has been recycled throughout history with various justifications. As from the New Testament’s and the Church’s perspectives, we’re and have been living the “era of the end times” for over 2000 years. See “The End Times” page for details.
2. Prophesying that the apostolic Churches are abandoned by the Lord, and new “units”/”anointing”/”apostles”/”prophets”/… will “restore the lost inheritance” and become the “Bride”:
- The Church was not living a “heavenly” life during the apostolic age and the first few centuries. The Church had Judas, Nicholas, Simeon, and lots of heresies/heretics as members. The Church had members practicing all kinds of sins as permitted and adopted by those times societies, same as now and probably even worse. As documented in the Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation. This is just a justification for claiming that the Church somehow was suitable for Jesus, but no longer is. It is a reflection of the author’s dissatisfaction with the Church, and justification for his “new units” and “new anointing” of new “Church offices” doctrine.
- Extrapolating from Old Testament that the apostolic Churches will be abandoned by the Lord for a new “Bride”, as happened with the people of Israel conflicts with the New Testament and Revelation. There no such “prophesy” in the New Testament! On the contrary, the Lord has built His Church on a rock! Even with that rock (Peter) being shaky and imperfect at times!
- Jesus has accepted the murderer justifiably executed next to Him, the harlot, the tax collector, the denier, …. He did not put perfection conditions nor specific mundane ritualistic practices on His Church.
- The author has been advertising going back to the “early Church” of the first 4 centuries, and claiming the death of the Church afterwards. Basically a rebellion against the Church structure. After being excommunicated from the Coptic Orthodox Church in 2002, he joined the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) a few years ago. The OCA believes in itself as the “Bride” and acknowledges the Councils and canons that extend to the eighth century.
- In going back to “early Church”, grouping in “units”, migrating/exodus/isolation, and preparing to unite for the end of the world, the author may be influenced by the Islamic movement took place in his hometown in the 1980’s. You can see the resemblance in ideology and justifications. Read their doctrine on Arabic Wikipedia.
3. Israel and Gentiles as the “Bride”, and the ideas of Judaism of early Christians, keeping the Sabbath, and harmony prayer living between the Jews and Christians are fallacies. The New Testament declares the end of Judaism, the Jews enmity to Jesus, and their persecution of Christians. See the page on “Judaism and Christianity” for details.
4. The idea of different God’s economy (Οικονομία) for different “stages” in the New Testament is non-existent! The Lord gave us up to the Book of Revelation, which covers our present and future all the way to the “End Times”, with a warning not to add to or omit from it. There’s no change in the 'economy of salvation' over the New Testament 'eras', whether two thousand or two billion years! Also the Churches believe that God’s economy is dispensed through the Church, as was through the Apostles. So the justification that God’s “modern” economy of the “final stage” of the “End Times” calls for a new Church “units” is unfounded and unacceptable.
Also interestingly, the author contradicts his writings from 2 years earlier "There are two different plans, or economies, in the Bible: the Old Testament and the New Testament." [Responsibility for the Generation, CH1S2], where he is explaining the difference between them, with no claim of 'changing economies' for the New Testament.
5. Claiming that “In the end times, there will also be new ministries, new visions, and new anointing” [see also] for new “apostles”, “prophets”, “evangelists”, pastors”, and “teachers” chosen from people who “have special features”? Other than the author’s justifications and extrapolations, these have no foundation nor expectation in the New Testament and the Apostolic Churches. On the contrary, the Churches do not even recognize a living person as a saint, let alone an “apostle” or a “prophet”, regardless of what “special features” and “features of the Bride” that person or group has!
6. The concept of "Jews who continue to be Jews who believe in Jesus": The belief of the Church, including St. Paul, is that Judaism has ended by Jesus, the true sacrifice. As the rituals and laws of Judaism have ended. The veil in the Temple was torn on Great Friday, and the High Priest has torn his garment. We also see in the New Testament that "Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie" Rev 3:9, and while "And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed" Rev 7:4, "After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, " Rev 7:9.
References and Links
- The book and
- Conference recordings
- Comments on Israel and the End Times
- TJCII, the organization of which Benjamin and Reuben Berger are members, and its initiative ,, and
- Gabriel Alonso-Martinez is pastor of Five Towns Christian Fellowship, and is a composer and musician.
- St. John Chrysostom discourses against Judaizing Christians and